Sunshine Day Nursery - Westcliff
The White Hall, Clatterfield Gardens. Westcliff-On-Sea. Essex. SS00AX
E : l.horncastle@btconnect.com
T : 01702 333313
General Information
"Sunshine Day Nursery - Setting the Standards"​
We recognise most nurseries require payment during holiday periods to retain their child's placement. We offer 50% reduction on fees payment pro rata to their attendance for two week of the years.
Health and Safety
Health and Safety play an important part of ensuring that Sunshine provides a welcoming and safe environment.
All children are encouraged to show positive behaviour, Sunshine staff use positive methods with unacceptable behaviour, we use appropriate methods like: distraction, praise and encouragement, reward systems and calm down time.
It is the policy of Sunshine Day Nursery to provide all children attending the nursery with the highest possible standards of care and education.
As a professional childcare organisation, we have a liability to ensure the safety and protection of every child on our register.
All staff have a knowledge of safeguarding and training is kept up to date.
Special Educational Needs and Disability
At sunshine we provide a welcoming learning environment that meets the needs of each child’s individuality. Staff are trained to provide support for parents and children with special educational needs. Sunshine works closely in partnership with outside agencies to provide the best support.
Equal Opportunities
We are committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families.
We understand the importance of Inclusion; it promotes the participation of all, taking into account the individual needs of each child to allow a sensitive and inclusive environment.
Open Door Policy
We encourage you to regularly spend time at the nursery. This will give you a further insight into exactly how your child is progressing. We value your comments and look forward to working with you.
Personal Items
We ask that your child brings to the nursery a toothbrush, Wellington boots for the Winter months, sun cream and hats in the Summer, any comforts they have, change of clothes.
At Sunshine we feel that partnership with parents is essential in children's development and that in working together we can progress their learning. We provide open evenings and open days where you can come and see your child's key worker to discuss your child's learning and development.
Home Learning
We appreciate the fact that learning at home is so important for children's development so we arrange activities for you to do with your child at home to extend their development. This is done through Tapestry so you are able to upload your photos or videos of your child’s learning at home.
All accidents will be recorded in our accident book and parents will be informed and asked to countersign the accident book.
Most medication must be prescribed by a doctor and will be administered by two members of staff, a medication form must be signed by parents before medication is given. Please see our medication policy for more information
Complaints Procedure
If you have a concern and wish to make a complaint, first of all speak to the Manager to try and resolve your concerns. If you are still not satisfied you can contact Ofsted, the number for them direct is 0300 123 1231
All company policies are displayed in the nursery for clients to read. Fees list is available on request and is reviewed annually.
Local Offer
At Sunshine we are fully inclusive settings able to meet the needs of all children. We have a Special Educational needs coordinator, who is trained in SEN and has over 10 years experience working with children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Our building is accessible via ramps.
At sunshine we understand each child is individual and our staff are experienced in observing and accessing the next steps for each child. Your child will be allocated a key person and if you have any concerns about your child, you should speak to your child’s key person who will discuss and support you and where necessary consult with the nursery SENCO.
Your child’s key person will work with both you and your child to ensure knowledge and information is shared. Through continual observations we can plan for your child and also access additional support from professionals as appropriate.
Your child’s key person will work closely with your child to plan appropriately his/hers next steps. Your child’s key person will differentiate any daily activities to meet the needs of your child.
At Sunshine we work with outside agencies e.g. specialist teachers, speech and language therapists. If your child is working with any outside agencies we will encourage them to come into the setting to visit your child in the nursery environment. With parental permission we can contact our area SENCO who can support us further.
For more information please contact us.